Shanghai Buck 1


GreenHDR is a display technology which allows manufacturers, systems integrators, and display operators to substantially reduce both the manufacturing and operating costs of displays, while providing a dramatic improvement in image quality, especially in challenging ambient lighting conditions.

GreenHDR has been shown to reduce power consumption by 20-30%, and to increase the dynamic contrast ratio by an average of 80%.  This significant improvement in performance will allow display manufacturers to reduce the number of backlight zones needed by 50% or more, while simultaneously improving image quality.  It will allow operators of these displays to benefit from reduced power consumption, which – for large-sized advertising displays used in shopping malls, office complexes, and airports – can yield an operational cost savings of approximately $100 USD per year per display.

GreenHDR includes the company’s widely-deployed Smart Dimming technology, which further enhances the display of images and video to compensate for challenging ambient lighting conditions, most notably when the display is in bright sunlight.

GreenHDR is available as an IC, FPGA IP core, and as a software library.

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